Breast Cancer is currently one of the top 5 cancers in the Solomon Islands today. Proper facilities, logistics and adequate awareness continue to be a challenge.

For the last 5 years BSP staff have participated in the annual International Pink Ribbon event that happens every October. Each staff member makes a small donation for wearing Pink and funds were donated in supporting the First Lady Pink Ribbon Charity.
Last year BSP took the initiative and gave it a National approach, sending out a message to other business houses to join in the cause. BSP would like to thank Solomon Islands National Provident Fund, Baoro & Associates, Australian High Commission and other offices and individuals around the country who participated on the day and contributed towards this cause. For 2019 we would especially like to see more male participants wearing Pink in support of this great cause.
This year's Annual Pinktober will be held on the 25th October 2019 and as such BSP would like to call on other financial Institutions, business houses and individuals to let your hair down and step out of your comfort zone and wear Pink for the day. We encourage everyone to wear Pink on the day and make a small donation for wearing Pink. If you would like to make your donation, please contact Sai Foanaota, Christina Tumuri or Sharon Sika Toby on 21874 for details. All proceeds will be donated to the Cancer Registry and Oncology Department at the National Referral Hospital.
BSP Solomon Islands, Heritage Park Branch, Honiara. Staff above came to work in PINK